Grimfrost's Ásgautr is a Viking Age sword based on the find in the Rosenlund grave in Denmark. The double-edged blade is crafted in tempered high carbon EN45 steel, and it comes with a distinctive fuller. Included with the sword is a leather-wrapped scabbard and belt. The sword can be used for costume dressing and reenactment purposes. It is, however, not fully blunted and thus not suitable for reenactment fighting.
Grimfrost's Ásgautr is based on a sword found in the Rosenlund grave in Denmark. We like to think that it belonged to the probably esteemed Viking warrior Ásgautr Red-Shield who is mentioned on a runestone standing in the nearby church of Rønninge. It reads:
"Sōti satti stæin þannsi æft Æilæif, brōður sinn, sun Āsgauts Rauðumskialda"
(English: Sóti placed this stone in memory of Eileifr, his brother, Ásgautr Red-shield’s son”.)
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