Meet the legendary champions:
Thor: the almighty god of thunder and lightning. Proud and strong, he wields the legendary hammer Mjolnir, and will never back down from a fight.
Freyja: the goddess of love, war, beauty and Seidr magic. She acts with ruthless precision and raw strength. Adorned with her rune woven falcon feather cloak she moves with unrivaled speed.
Surtr: the towering king of the fire giants. With his blazing sword he can ignite a word of fiery destruction. Nothing can withstand the fiery fury of the king of Muspelheim
Hyrrokkin: the fearsome giantess of Jarnvior. Beware the mother of Skoll and Hati, her brute force and strength is unmatched. With her bare hands she shapes iron into deadly weapons, and commands wolves to do her bidding.
Unique Champion Cards: Each champion has their own deck of unique champion cards, use them to boost your champion or attack your rivals.
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